The Sixth China Foundry Quality & Standards Forum -- Latest Production Processes and Quality Control of Iron Castings was successfully held on May 14-17, 2013 in Zhangjiajie. This forum was co-hosted by the National Technical Committee 54 on Foundry of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC54), Quality and Standard Working Committee of Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) and Quality and Standard Working Committee of China Foundry Association.
The Sixth China Foundry Quality&Standards Forum-Latest Production Processes and Quality Control of Iron Castings was successfully held on May 14-17,2013 in Zhangjiajie.This forum was co-hosted by the National Technical Committee 54 on Foundry of Standardization Administration of China(SAC/TC54),Quality and Standard Working Committee of Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society(FICMES)and Quality and Standard Working Committee of China Foundry Association.This forum was financially supported by Shanxi Jianbang Group,