目的 :探讨一种治疗顽固的病毒性疣的有效治疗方法。 方法 :用 5 85 nm的脉冲染料激光 (PDL)照射患区及其周围 5 mm内的区域连续三个脉冲 ,能量范围 6~9J/ cm2 ,照射前先用最小能量连续脉冲的 CO2 激光除去疣表面的角质层 ,以使 PDL 光进入更深层。 结果 :治疗 38例病人 16 3个顽固性疣和 30个单纯性疣 ,根治率分别为95 %及 90 % ,经过 3~ 2 6个月 (平均 8个月 )的随访 ,未再复发。 结论 :利用疣内血管中的血红蛋白吸收 5 85 nm波长的激光后凝固 ,使血管闭锁的原理 ,可有效地治疗病毒性疣 ,且不遣留瘢痕。尤其适合于面。
Objective:To investigate an effective and safe way for treating viral warts,especially for recalcitrant warts Methods:Pulsed dye laser(PDL)at 585 nm with fluencies of 6 0~9 0J/cm 2 was used for three passes each area Prior to laser treatment,the keratotic component of the warts were removed by continual pulsed CO 2 laser with the smallest energy,in order to allow deeper penetration of the laser beam into the warts Results:38 patients with 163 recalcitrant and 30 simple viral warts were treated with 585nm PDL,which achieved eradication rate of 95% for recalcitrant warts after an average 2 1(range 1~6)treatments and 90% for simple warts after 1 3(range 1~2)treatments There is no recur after 3~26 months following up Conclusions:[WT5”,6BZ]Pulsed dye laser(PDL) is an effective treatment for bothrecalcitrant and simple warts For its scarless,it is the treatment of better choice for these lesions in cosmetically sensitive areas
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine