目的 :研究住院周期最短的理想快速扩张法。 方法 :选择 117例皮肤瘢痕患者 ,分成间断快速扩张组(IFTE)和短疗程持续扩张组 (SPTE)。 IFTE组采用平行切口埋植扩张器 ,术后 10天开始作间断快速扩张。SPTE组经垂直小切口埋植扩张器 ,术中大量注水扩张 ,术后持续扩张。 结果 :所有患者均顺利完成快速扩张并获得满意治疗效果。IFTE组平均扩张时间 16 .8天 ,平均住院时间为 45 .3天。SPTE组平均扩张时间为 11.7天 ,平均住时间为 32 .4天。SPTE组并发症发生率低于 IFTE组。 结论 :短程持续组织扩张技术治疗结果可靠 。
Objective:To study a new continuous expansion procedure for short therapy period Methods:117 cases of patients with skin cicatrix were divided into intermittent fast tissue expansion group (IFTE) and short period tissue expansion group (SPTE) In IFTE group,expanders were placed into subcutaneous pockets through traditional parallel incisions and rapidly inflated 10 days after expander insertion In SPTE group,expanders were placed into subcutaneous pockets through short perpendicular incisions and inflated interaoperatively Continuous expansion was begun 2 days after expander insertion under constant pressure Results:All expanders were expanded successfully and every patients got good results Average expansion time of 16 8 days was achieved in IFTE group,against 11 7 days in SPTE group Average hospitalization duration was 45 3 days in IFTE group,against 32 4 days in SPTE group The complication rate in SPTE group was lower than that of IFTE group Conclusion:The procedure of shotr of short continuous tissue expansion could decrease the hospitalization time of patienst effectively with good clinic results
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine