目的 :探讨广西扶绥县肝癌危险因素 ,为开展肝癌危险因素监测和综合预防提供科学依据。方法 :对该县 1996~ 1997年以人群为基础的肿瘤发病登记在册的肝癌患者 35 0例 ,分别与其邻居进行 1∶ 1配对的病例对照研究 ,用比数检验进行单因素分析和条件 L ogistic回归模型作多因素分析。结果 :有 8个因素选入多因素条件 L ogistic回归模型方程 ,与肝癌的发生有明显的联系。其中 ,HBs Ag阳性、有肝癌家族史、有肝病史、心理情绪差、每天吸烟量、常吃盐渍食品等是肝癌的主要危险因素 ;鱼虾、新鲜蔬菜摄入充足对肝癌的发生有一定的保护作用。结论 :广西扶绥县肝癌主要危险因素为 HBs Ag阳性、肝癌家族史和肝病史等。
Objective:In order to detect the risk factors of Primary Liver Cancer(PLC)in Fusui,Guangxi.Methods:A 1∶1 matched case control study was performed 350 cases of PLC coming from Fusui Cancer Registeing Departement and 350 controls from the patient's neighbour were surveyed The data were analysed with ratio test and conditional logistic multivariate model Results:In conditional logistic multivariate analysis,eight risk factors were associated with PLC statisticlly Among them,HBsAg positive,a clan history of PLC,history of liver diseases,poor psychological condition,the quantity of smoking and pickled vegetables,were identified as risk factors of PLC statisticlly But sufficient fresh fish and vegetable were preventive factors of PLC Conclussion:The important risk factors of PLC in Fusui,Guangxi were HBsAg positive,a clan history of PLC,history of liver diseases
Journal of Guangxi Medical University