目的 :探讨广西 Ig A肾病的临床及病理特点。方法 :回顾性分析 6 4例 Ig A肾病患者的临床及病理表现、激素治疗情况 ,并比较男、女性患者的差异。结果 :1发病高峰年龄为 15~ 34岁 ,男性为 15~ 2 4岁 ,女性为 2 5~ 34岁 ,男女比例为 1∶ 1.5 ;2男性患者临床表现较女性严重 ;3病理分级多为 、 级 ,分别有 92 .19% ,85 .94%的患者合并肾小管病变 ,Ig M沉积 ;4病理分级严重 ,合并 Ig M沉积的病人使用激素疗效欠佳。结论 :广西 Ig A肾病患者在男女比例、临床及病理表现等方面具有自身特点。
Objective:To research the clinical charater istics of IgAN in Guangxi Methods:Reviewing the clinical presentation,pathology,management of 64 patients with IgAN Results:①IgAN occurs at all ages,but is most common during the ages of 15~34 years,15~24 years in males and 25~34 years in female The ratio of male and female is 1:1 5;②The male's clinical presentation is more serious than female's;③The pathology grades in our series are ⅡandⅢ Elder the patient is,the more serious the pathology is About 80% of patients have tubular and interstitial pathology,and also have the presence of IgM in the glomerular mesangium ④The patients with serious pathology and IgM deposit have bad reaction to steroid treatment Conclusion:IgAN in Guangxi has distinctive feature in clinical presentation and pathology
Journal of Guangxi Medical University