为总结广东省实施儿童计划免疫保偿制的经验 ,改进工作 ,收集汇总了广东省 1991~ 1998年每年出生儿童参加计划免疫保偿制的情况 ,并进行分析。结果显示 :全省 8年内出生儿童年均入保率为 42 93%~ 6 6 93 % ,但最低的市年均仅为2 6 4%。收取保偿金每人 2 5~ 110元 ,保偿年龄最大到 7岁。保偿金基本实行市 -县 -镇三级管理。 8年来全省儿童四种疫苗免疫覆盖率在 86 87%以上 ,形成了计划免疫针对疾病的人群免疫屏障 。
This paper analyzed the status of EPI insurance including children born in 1991-1998. The average rate of EPI insurance in children was 42.93%~66.93% per year, the lowest of that was 2.64% in the middle cities. Every child's premium for EPI insurance was 25-110 Yuan that favored to 7 years of age. The fund for EPI insurance was managed on three levels separately-city, county and town. Through eight years of EPI insurance, the immunization coverage rate of four vaccines reached 86.87%. An immune barrier of population against diseases which EPI is targeting has been established, this, in a large extent, has controlled the emergence of approprite infectious diseases.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization