本文采用对比试验的方法 ,对脂肪酶 Greasex5 0 L 在猪皮软化工序中的应用进行了试验 ,对皮或革在软化后续工序 ,直至成革的一系列变化作了跟踪观察和评价。试验结果表明 ,1 .脂肪酶 Greasex5 0 L在软化中的应用 ,其去除脂肪的作用已降为次要 ,而其最大的特点是可以使软化效果更好 ,从而有利于后续工序进行 ,使成革柔软 ;2 .与对比样相比 ,经 Greasex 5 0 L处理的皮革有较好的匀染性 ,染黑色时可以减少染料 1 0 %~ 30 % ;3.由于 Greasex5 0 L与胰酶协同软化处理的皮革绒头均匀、细致、丝绸感强 ,因而更有利于绒面革制造。
The application of alkaline lipase Greasex 50L (produced by Novo Nordisk Inc.) in bating of pig skin was studied by contrast experiments. The degreasing rate of skin and properties of leather were used to evaluate the effect of the lipase in trials. The results showed that the lipase could make better bating effect, which benefits the successive process, and thus softness and napping of leather were obviously improved. The leather treated with the lipase had better dyeing evenness, and amount of dyes was saved by 10%~30% in blackening compared with conventional ones. The lipase could make suede more evenness, fineness, and silkyfeel, thus it was more suitable for suede making. The lipase could replace some surfactants, so environment of leather making was improved.
China Leather