Objective To examine the clinical value of double test with α-fetal protein (AFP) and free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as serum markers for prenatal screening of fetal chromosome abnormalities in the second-trimester of pregnancy. Methods Serum concentrations of AFP and Free β-HCG were examined by DELFLA. The laboratory results were combined with in- formation on pregnant woman' s age, gestational weeks, weight, and uhrasonographic findings to calculate the probability of having a fetus with chromosome abnormalities by risk evaluation software. Woman having a fetus with a high risk was referred to amniotic chro- mosomal karyotyping. Results Among the 43 067 pregnant women screened, 6 214 had a high risk of Down Syndrome or Edwards' Syndrome, aged ≥35 years, or had an AFP value of MOM ≤0. 4 or β-hCG value of MOM ≤0. 3 or ≥2. 5. Of the 1 735 pregnant women received prenatal diagnosis, 23 fetuses were diagnosed with chromosome abnormalities. Conclusion The double test with AFP and free β-HCG as serum markers in the screening for chromosome abnormalities in the second-trimester of pregnancy has impor- tant clinical implications.
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health
Prenatal Screening
Chromosome abnormalities
Prenatal diagnosis
alpha-fetal protein (AFP)
beta-hu-man chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)