本文总结了PB开发工具的特点及开发步骤 ,并针对目前的大多数MIS系统中 ,存在的如下问题 :数据存储分散、重复输入、系统数据大量冗余和冲突等 ,设计了一个新的数据处理模型 ,即双层数据处理模型 ,用以解决这个问题。本文结合实例给出了PB在开发MIS系统过程中的启示。
This paper analyzes the characters of PB and steps to build application. In many current MIS systems, there are some problems, such as the dispersion of data-storage, the repetition of data-in, the conflict of data and many unnecessary data of system, etc. As to these problems, this paper puts forward a new model of data processing, and gives enlightenment from developing MIS system.