
安全芯片之安全性分析 被引量:5

Security Analysis of Security Chip
摘要 通过介绍安全芯片面临的主要安全威胁与攻击手段,以及当前安全芯片实现所采取的主要防护措施情况,提出了安全芯片的安全性必须基于密码算法的计算复杂度或同等的运算分析复杂度,而决不能将安全芯片的安全性完全立足于芯片本身分析的难度的思想,基于此思想,提出了一个简单可行的安全芯片实现架构和工作流程。最后,对比两种实现方式,也指出了基于FPGA方式实现可重构算法安全芯片存在的问题。 Based on briefs of the main security threats and attack means faced and the main protective measures taken by the security chip,some thoughts are progosed that the security of security chip must be based on the computing complexity or the equivalent analysis complexity of the ciphering algorithm,and never on the analysis the difficulty of the chip itself.And based on this paper puts forward a simple and feasible architecture and workflow of security chip implementation.Finally by comparing the two implementations,this paper points out the existing problems in realizing reconfigurable algorithm of security chip based on FPGA.
作者 叶宾
出处 《通信技术》 2013年第8期91-94,共4页 Communications Technology
关键词 旁路攻击 能量攻击 非对称算法 差错攻击 反向工程 可编程 可重构 side-channel attack power analysis attack asymmetric encryption fault attack reverse engineering programmable/reconfigurable
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