

Biliometrice Analysis of Sharing Subject in Information and Library Domain——Based on the Contrast of China and Foreign Countries
摘要 以汤森路透集团的web of science及CNKI数据库为数据源,对截至2011年已发表的SCI论文、中文核心期刊论文中信息科学与图书情报、图书馆科学类别下以"共享"为主题的期刊论文进行全面分析。利用文献计量学的相关分析方法对论文从时间分布、主题分布、期刊分布、主题发展趋势等多个角度探索研究者对共享方面研究的发展历程,分析现状,得出相应结论。 Taking the database "web of science" which belongs to Thomson Reuters Group and China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database of CNKI as source, this research analyses papers of which subject is "sharing" and under the category of information and library science until 2011. We investigate the development history of information sharing from different angles, including periodical distribution, subject distribution, author unit distribution and trend of subject. And then we analyze the current status of the information sharing and get the conclusions.
作者 齐娜
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第16期23-29,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 共享主题 文献计量学 统计分析 sharing biliometrice statistical analysis
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