
一种面向领域需求与业务流程间一致性的检测方法 被引量:1

A Method for Checking Consistency Between Domain Requirements and Business Process
摘要 BPMN是软件开发领域中较为常用的描述业务流程的建模标准.在包含业务流程可变性的软件产品线中,基于BPMN的业务流程模板可支持针对领域需求的业务流程描述,并且能够高效地生成面向特定应用需求的业务流程实例.然而,领域需求与业务流程模板之间往往存在不一致情况.针对该问题,提出一种面向领域需求与业务流程一致性的模型检测方法,该方法使用变数线性时态逻辑(FLTL)描述领域需求,同时使用状态进程公式(FSP)描述BPMN实例,在持续的迭代过程中使用自动化模型检测工具发现领域需求与业务流程之间的不一致,并将其反馈给相关人员实施修正. BPMN is a business process modeling standards commonly used in the field of software development. In the software prod- uct line with process variability, BPMN process templates support to descript business process from domain requirements, and derive process instance towards particular application requirements effectively. However, there always exist inconsistency between domain requirements and business process templates. For this problem, this paper presents a method for model checking consistency between domain requirements and business process, which descript domain requirements as FLTL properties, translate BPMN instance to FSP expression, and check the inconsistency using an automated model checking tool which will send back the result.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1270-1275,共6页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划项目(2011AA010101)资助
关键词 业务流程建模符号(BPML) 软件产品线 变数线性时态逻辑(FLTL) 状态进程公式(FSP) business process modeling language ( BPML ) software product line fluent linear temporal logic ( FLTL ) finite stateprocess (FSP)
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