
视觉和听觉通道下减法与乘法心算加工的ERP特征 被引量:2

The ERP Correlates of Visual and Auditory processing in Mental Subtraction and Multiplication
摘要 研究加工通道的差异以及减法和乘法心算的编码特征,选择100道心算算式,在视觉和听觉两种输入通道下记录并分析了14例正常人的脑事件相关电位(ERP)。结果发现,视觉和听觉通道引发了趋势相反的早中期成分,在额区和中央区产生了显著分离。在慢波阶段,听觉通道下更多激活了颞区,而视觉通道下更多激活了顶-枕区,且慢电位的ERP特征也表现出通道差异。减法和乘法运算以左半球激活为主,但听觉通道下的顶区和颞区出现了显著的右半球优势。减法在视觉通道下优势较大,说明其主要依赖视空间表征;而乘法在听觉通道下更具优势,则主要是由于其以听觉的言语表征方式为主。 Using the event-related potentials technology, and presenting the subtraction and multiplication mental arith- metic task in the visual and auditory channels, the present study explored the differences between the two pro- cessing channels, as well as the encoding characteristics of the two kinds of mental arithmetic task. The ERP re- suits indicated that in the coding stage, the visual and auditory channels led to the opposite trend in the early and middle components, appearing a significant separation in the frontal and central areas. In the slow-wave stage, the temporal area was more activated in the auditory channel, while the parietal-occipital area was more activated in the visual channel, and the ERP features of the slow-potential are different between the two chan- nels. Subtraction and multiplication operations mainly activated the left hemisphere, but in the auditory channel, the electrode point P8 and Fl'8 of the temporal lobe and parietal appeared significant advantage of the right hemisphere. Subtraction had advantage in the visual channel, indicating that it mainly relies on visual spatial representations; while multiplication had advantage in the auditory channel, mainly due to it being based on hearing representation.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第3期325-332,共8页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
关键词 输入通道 乘法心算 减法心算 事件相关电位 input channel, mental multiplication, mental subtraction, event-related potentials.
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