Using the event-related potentials technology, and presenting the subtraction and multiplication mental arith- metic task in the visual and auditory channels, the present study explored the differences between the two pro- cessing channels, as well as the encoding characteristics of the two kinds of mental arithmetic task. The ERP re- suits indicated that in the coding stage, the visual and auditory channels led to the opposite trend in the early and middle components, appearing a significant separation in the frontal and central areas. In the slow-wave stage, the temporal area was more activated in the auditory channel, while the parietal-occipital area was more activated in the visual channel, and the ERP features of the slow-potential are different between the two chan- nels. Subtraction and multiplication operations mainly activated the left hemisphere, but in the auditory channel, the electrode point P8 and Fl'8 of the temporal lobe and parietal appeared significant advantage of the right hemisphere. Subtraction had advantage in the visual channel, indicating that it mainly relies on visual spatial representations; while multiplication had advantage in the auditory channel, mainly due to it being based on hearing representation.
Studies of Psychology and Behavior
input channel, mental multiplication, mental subtraction, event-related potentials.