24只BALB/c小鼠中 ,8只作为正常对照组 ,其余 16只荷瘤后 ,随机分为两组 ,E coliDNA治疗组和TES对照组。荷瘤后第 4d予DNA治疗组、TES对照组小鼠皮下注射E coliDNA( 10 0 μg/ml)或TES ( 0 1mol/L) 0 3ml/只 ,隔日 1次 ,共 5次 ,荷瘤后第 2 1d ,摘眼球取血 ,制备血清 ,测定TNF -α、NO含量。结果显示 :E coliDNA可调节荷瘤机体的TNF -α、NO水平 ,防止TNF -α的异常增高及NO的显著下降 ,维持其在正常水平范围内 ,充分发挥其抗肿瘤免疫活性。
Eight BALB/c mice were used as normal group,the other 16 mice were inoculated with HCaF16A 3(10 6per mouse),then they were randomly divided into 2 groups,which were E.coli DNA group and TES group.From the 4th day after tumor inoculation,mice of DNA and TES group were injected subcutaneously with E.coli DNA(100 μg/ml)or TES(0 1 mol/L),0 3 ml per mouse,every other day,5 times totally,At the 21st day,the eye was excised to take blood.Serum was made to measure TNF-α and NO.The results showed that E.coli DNA could modulate the serum TNF-α and NO,preventing TNF-α from being abnormally high and NO from declining greatly,E.coli DNA could also maintain TNF-α and NO in the nomal level to exert its antitumor immunal activity.These provided theoretical support to bacterial DNA as biological response modifier.
Journal of Dalian Medical University