
基于智能天线和动态虚拟簇的均衡节能路由 被引量:5

Balanced energy-efficient routing algorithm based on smart antenna and dynamic virtual cluster
摘要 为WSN提出了一种能量节省与能耗均衡相结合的路由算法SaDVC-Routing。该算法在辅助中继和智能天线的波束范围内构建虚拟簇,从簇内选择中继加权值最大的节点充当路由中继。根据节点能耗情况和节点间距离,利用波束扩展法对虚拟簇进行动态更新。如果波束宽度超过阈值或者中继节点死亡,则依据加权距离矩阵重新发起路由请求。仿真表明,算法既能有效降低能量消耗,也可以在局部和全局实现能耗均衡。 An energy-efficient and energy-consumption-balanced routing, named SaDVC-Routing, was put forward for WSN. The algorithm constructs virtual clusters based on assistant relays in the area of smart antenna beams, and then selects the node with maximum relay weight from the cluster to act as routing relay. With the help of energy consumption and nodes distance information, SaDVC-Routing can dynamically update the virtual clusters with beam expanding. If the beam width exceeds the threshold, a routing request is re-broadcasted based on weighted distance matrix. According to the simulation, it was found that this algorithm could not only decrease the energy consumption, but also get consumption balance between nodes in the local and global area.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期169-176,共8页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)基金资助项目(2011CB707102) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51204177) 中央高校基本科研业务费标准专项基金资助项目(2012BZB19)~~
关键词 动态虚拟簇 智能天线 能量节省 能耗均衡 中继选择 矿山物联网 dynamic virtual cluster smart antenna energy saving balance or energy consumption relay selection mineinternet of things
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