目的 探讨CT检查在机械性眼球损伤中的作用。材料与方法 采用GESytec 40 0 0iCT扫描仪对 5 9例 62只机械性损伤的眼球 (挫裂伤 44只 ,穿孔伤 18只 ,除外仅有异物者 )进行横断面、冠状面扫描 ,并对CT图像进行观察、统计。结果 眼球体积的改变、眼球变形、眼环不连续或部分增厚、玻璃体内斑片状密度增高、晶状体密度降低、晶状体脱位或脱出、球内或眶内异物及眶壁或颅面骨骨折是机械性眼球损伤的常见CT表现及伴随表现。其中 ,除晶状体脱位或脱出仅在挫裂伤中常见外 ,其他常见表现在挫裂伤和穿孔伤中均占较大比例 ,而晶状体密度降低、球内或眶内异物在穿孔伤中更为常见 ,眶壁或颅面骨骨折在挫裂伤中更为常见。结论 CT检查可较全面地观察和评价机械性眼球损伤及其他邻近组织伴随损伤。
Objective To evaluate CT scanning in examining eyeball trauma.Materials and Methods Axial and coronal CT scanning was performed in 59 cases with mechanical eyeball trauma (total 62 eyeballs, including 44 contusion and 18 perforation) using a GE sytec 4000i CT scanner. Pure eyeball foreign body was not included in the study. CT findings were analyzed.Results The common findings were as follows: deformed, discontinued or partly thickened eye ring, vitreous hemorrhage, low attenuation or dislocation of lens, change in eyeball volume, fractures of orbit or skull, and foreign bodies in eyeballs or orbits. Dislocation of lens was commonly seen in contusion rather than in perforation. Fractures of orbit or skull were often seen in contusion, while low attenuation or lens and foreign bodies in eyeballs or orbits were often found in perforation. Conclusion CT scanning can offer a comprehensive observation and analysis of the trauma of both eyeballs and neighboring structures.
Journal of Clinical Radiology