为了解内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)在动物体内催化产生一氧化氮(NO),对动物低氧适应的重要作用,选取饲养在西藏林芝地区(海拔约3 000m)的藏猪、大约克猪(高原大约克猪)和饲养在北京(海拔约100m)的大约克猪(低地大约克猪),屠宰并采集心肌、肝脏和肺脏组织,采用荧光定量PCR技术测定eNOS基因的表达量。结果发现,高原藏猪、大约克猪和低地大约克猪在肝脏和肺脏中eNOS的总体表达量分别比心脏中要高1 000和400倍;在心脏中,高原藏猪和高原大约克猪eNOS基因的表达量均高于低地大约克猪的4.0和2.6倍(P<0.01),但是在肝脏和肺脏中的表达量却相反。大约克猪从低地移居高原,心肌组织eNOS表达量增加了2.6倍,但肝脏和肺脏组织中eNOS表达量分别下降了1.6和1.1倍。结果表明,藏猪eNOS基因表达量与低地大约克猪和移居高原的大约克猪存在差异,且在心肌、肝脏和肺脏组织表现不同,可能对其低氧适应起不同的调节作用。
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which catalyzes to produce NO in vivo, might play an important role in hypoxic adaptation of animals. Heart,liver and lung tissues were collected from three groups of pig population, with 10 pigs each group. Tibetan and Yorkshire pigs raising at LinZhi, Tibet (3 000 m altitude) and Yorkshire pigs raising at Beijing (100 m altitude). The eNOS expression was measured with real-time quantitative PCR. The results showed that the mRNA expression of eNOS gene was higher in liver and lung tissues than that in heart tissue of the three pig groups. In heart tissue,Tibetan pig and Yorkshire pigs raising at high land had higher expression of eNOS than low land (P^0.01),however, it is reversely in liver and lung tissues. The Yorkshire pig raising at high land had increased expression of eNOS in heart tissue and had tends of reduced expression in live and lung tissues compared with the pigs raising at low land. It was concluded that the Tibetan pig have distinct characteristic of eNOS expression from Yorkshire raising at high land and low land, as well as presents difference in heart, live and lung tissues, which have different roles for regulation of hypoxic adaptation.
Journal of China Agricultural University