
云仓储环境下图书馆联盟数字资源长期保存合作模式研究 被引量:11

Digital Resource Long-term Preservation Cooperative Model of Library Consortium in Cloud Storage Environment
摘要 在分析云仓储环境对数字资源长期保存影响的基础上,探讨图书馆联盟合作方式的转变:归纳出包括数字资源合作保存前置化、存储与保管并重的长期保存、跨系统的宽领域资源保存在内的云仓储环境下图书馆联盟数字资源长期保存合作模式;最后提出图书馆联盟长期保存合作的三种实现方式,即建设支持多种移动终端的资源整合和利用平台、构建私有云平台和提供个性化服务、整合机构库资源和实现联合保管。 This paper analyzes the significant impact which cloud storage has on digital resource long-term preservation, and discusses the transformation of library consortium in cooperative models. Then it summaries some cooperative models of digital resource long-term preservation for library consortium in cloud environment, including moving forward the cooperative preservation of digital resource, the same emphasis on safeguard and storage, and the cross -system cooperation. Finally, it puts forward three possible ways to achieve long-term cooperative preservation of library consortium, including building an integrated platform supporting multi mobile devices, constructing a personal cloud platform and integrating resources in institutional repositories to realize joint storage.
作者 李卓卓 沈妍
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第14期45-49,113,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"云仓储环境下数字资源长期保存协作模式研究"(项目编号:12YJC870015)研究成果之一
关键词 数字资源长期保存 图书馆联盟 云仓储 信息资源共享 digital resource long- term preservation library consortium cloud storage informationresource sharing
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