

Authentication encryption scheme based on lattice
摘要 基于格上困难问题的密码体制成为当前研究的热点。基于R-LWE(ring-learning with errors)困难问题和广义压缩背包问题的哈希函数,构造了一种基于格的认证加密方案。方案在加密过程中利用了R-LWE困难问题,其加解密速度快、密文扩展率低等特性;认证过程使用的是广义压缩背包问题,其效率高,安全性能够达到IND-CPA(indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attack)。 Based on the R-LWE difficult problem and generalized compression knapsack problem hash function, this paper constructed a lattice-based authenticated encryption scheme. The new scheme made use of R-LWE difficult problem in the en- cryption and decryption, and had the good characteristic that the encryption and decryption speed was quick, the expansion ra- tio of the ciphertext was low. The authentication process was realized by using generalized compression knapsack problem, the efficiency, of which was very high, and its security could achieve IND-CPA.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2788-2790,2794,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272492 61103231 61103230)
关键词 R-LWE 认证加密 lattice R-LWE authentication encryption
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