目的··:了解药物滥用者对药物 (包括香烟、酒 )滥用及相关问题的态度和知识。方法··:自拟《药物滥用情况调查表》对西安、贵阳、武汉三地的戒毒机构收治的药物滥用者进行问卷调查 ,调查数据采用EPIINFO软件进行录入、处理。结果··:共收回有效问卷358份 ,其中男性199例 ,女性144例 (15例性别缺项 ) ,平均年龄为27.8a±s5.1a,滥用药物主要为海洛因 ,占92.3 % (310/336) ,药物滥用时间为4.7a±s2.8a。分别有67.8 %、58.9%的被调查者认为“即使对香烟上瘾也没关系”、“家庭(或朋友)聚会时必须有酒” ,19.8%的被调查者反对“偶尔尝试毒品可能上瘾”。药物滥用者对知识题的应答正确率介于5.3 % -95.9 %之间。香烟、酒精、毒品和艾滋病知识题各题平均得分分别为0.485±s0.225、0.451±s0.236、0.703±s0.218和0.238±s0.202 (F=221.1 ,P<0.05) ,除酒精知识外 ,其他三方面知识得分无性别差异。除香烟知识外 ,其他三方面知识得分存在地区差异 ,贵州高于西安、武汉。结论··:本次调查的药物滥用者对烟、酒缺乏正确的认识 ,对吸烟、饮酒、吸毒和HIV等方面的基本知识贫乏 ,有必要在戒毒中对吸毒者进行香烟、酒精、毒品和艾滋病等方面相关知识教育。
Objective: To investigate the knowledge about and attitudes to substance use (including cigarette, alcohol, and drugs) and AIDS of drug abusers. Method: A total number of 358 drug abusers in compulsory detoxification centers of Xi'an, Wuhan, and Guizhou were surveyed. The participants completed a self-report questionnaires including knowledge about and attitudes to substances and AIDS. The answers to the questions were “agree”, “don’t agree and don't object”, “object”, and “don't know ”. Scores, in which the right answer to the question denoted 1 point and the wrong answer denoted 0 point, assessed their knowledge about substances and AIDS. The data were analyzed by using EPI INFO soft package. All the results were based on the actual responses. Result: Altogether 358 drug abusers (199 male, 144 female, and 15 defaults) among whom 92.4% were heroin addicts completed the questionnaires. Their average age was 27.8 a±s 5.1 a and duration of drug abusing was 4.7 a±s 2.8 a. The rate of responses who agree “addiction to cigarette is nothing”, “must drink in party”were 67.8%, 58.9%, respectively. 19.8% of the responses objected “occasional use of drug may induce addiction”. The correct rate of the responses to the knowledge were from 5.3% to 95.9%. The scores of knowledge about cigarette, alcohol, drugs, and AIDS were 0.485±s 0.225, 0.451±s 0.236, 0.703±s 0.218, and 0.238±s 0.202, respectively (F=221.1, P<0.05). There was no difference between male and female except in the score of the knowledge about alcohol (F=4.64, P<0.05), and the scores (except knowledge about cigarette) of Guizhou responses were higher than those of others (P <0.05). Conclusion: In present addictive population, there were wrong attitudes to cigarette, alcohol, and drugs, and their knowledge was relatively lower. We should strengthen the education on related knowledge to the addictive population during detoxification.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence
drug abuse
knowledge and attitude