目的··:探索引起海洛因滥用可能的高危因素 ,为提高药物滥用预防的针对性提供指导。方法··:对500例配合调查的自愿戒毒者滥用前的人口学、社会学特征及其它因素进行调查。结果·· :家庭经济条件好、吸烟、年龄20a左右、性格外向、无业、个体经营者、机动车驾驶人员及亲属中有吸毒者的是毒品滥用的高危人群。结论··:⑴海洛因滥用后易产生依赖 ,彻底戒除十分困难 ,应以一级预防为主 ,二、三级预防为辅 ,在一级预防方面把重点放在高危人群中 ;⑵戒烟作为预防药物滥用的一项内容在有3亿烟民的我国更有实际意义。
Objective: To study the risk factors leading to heroin abuse in Panzhihua in order to identify high risk population and conduct proper prevention.Method: Demographic, sociological, and drug-using related information of 500 cases of heroin addicts were collected. All cases were treated voluntarily in our clinic. Result: Age about 20, good family economy, smoking cigarettes, extra-personality, unemployment or driver, and having a family member who uses drugs are high risk factors inducing drug abuse. Conclusion: Drug prevention should be carried out in high risk population, and action should also be taken to reduce smoking, which is very important in drug prevention.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence