
自助服务中的服务失误归因研究——以ATM为例 被引量:2

A Study on Attribution of Service Failure in Self-service——Exampled with ATM
摘要 随着科技的发展和网络的应用,自助服务已经成为服务业发展的趋势,然而,由于自助服务往往具有一定的技术含量,从而使得服务失误更容易发生。本文在对自助服务中的服务失误和归因进行理论综述的基础上,以自动取款机为例,从责任性归因、控制性归因和稳定归因三个角度对自助服务失误归因进行分析,最后根据归因的责任性不同,分别从企业角度和顾客角度提出了自助服务失误归因及补救的措施。从企业角度,应该提高设备可靠性、降低失误发生几率;对顾客进行心理和物质补偿;为顾客提供及时、有效的帮助;同时加强监控,明确归因对象。从消费者角度,应该提高操作技能和经验,掌握常见失误的处理方式。 With the development of auto-control technology and the popularity of internet,self-service technology is becoming the trend of service increasingly.But,service failure is liable to happen compared with traditional service due to technology of SST.This paper analyze attrbution of SST from responsibility,controllability and stability exampled by ATM,and finally some measures have been suggested from the view of enterprise and customers according to responsibility of attribution,for enterprises,they should improve reliability of equipment to reduce the error probability,make mental and material compensation,provide timely and effective help,and strengthen monitoring toclear attrbution object.For consumers,they should improve operation skills and experience,and grasp common failure handling method.
作者 彭艳君
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第8期64-68,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71202024) 北京市教委面上项目(SM201310011004)
关键词 自助服务 服务营销 营销策略 消费者行为 服务补救 补救管理 Self-service Service marketing Marketing strategies Consumer behavior Service recovery Remedial management
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