通过尼日利亚现代化铁路阿卡项目铁路桥梁桩基的竖向抗压静载试验实例,阐述桩基竖向抗压静载试验的反力系统——利用工程桩作为反力锚桩的受力分析和计算,介绍基于《British Standard Code of practice for Foundations》规定的双循环加卸载、终极荷载长时间维持的试验要点,分析钻(挖)孔灌注桩桩基竖向抗压静载试验的成果,对比中国与英国桥梁桩基静载试验方法的差异性,提出采用工程桩作为反力锚桩进行桩基静载试验时需要注意的事项。
This paper is based on an example of vertical static load compression test of pile foundation of railway bridge on the Nigerian Railway named Modernization Project (Section one: Abuja-Kaduna). The paper expounds the stress analysis and calculation of the reaction force system of vertical static load compression test--the engineering pile functioning as the reaction force anchor pile. The paper also introduces the key points of the test in relation to two-cycle loading and unloading, also in relation to ultimate load for a long duration time, all based on the standard: British Standard Code of practice for Foundations. Moreover, the paper analyzes the result of vertical static load compression test for bored (or excavated) cast-in-place concrete pile; and makes a comparison and difference analysis on the test standards between China and England for vertical static load compression test of bridge pile foundation. Finally, the paper proposes the matters needing attention when the engineering pile is employed to function as the reaction force anchor pile for carrying out static load test of pile foundation.
Railway Standard Design
pile foundation
static load test
difference analysis
mechanical calculation