
面向负载均衡的集装箱码头生产调度决策 被引量:3

Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Service Scheduling at Container Terminals with Framework of Load Balancing
摘要 以往集装箱码头物流系统(Container Terminal Logistics Systems,CTLS)的调度决策研究多局限于船舶在港时间的长短和/或系统吞吐量的高低,极少从港口作业线负载均衡的角度去探讨CTLS的调度控制。于是,集装箱码头内的装卸生产作业被视为是一种广义"计算",CTLS就是一个面向集装箱流的并行计算系统。计算机操作系统中处理器亲和性和自动控制PID控制的思想随而被引入到CTLS的并行控制与协同调度中,将传统微观控制的机制纳入到复杂物流系统的中观调度模式中,并设计了相应面向负载均衡的控制决策算法。最后,通过基于一个大型集装箱码头的生产作业实例,从任务延迟、通过能力和负载均衡等方面综合评价和计算分析所提出调度策略的优劣,并给出了相应的结论。 The scheduling and decision-making at container terminal logistics systems (CTLS) are mostly limited to the discussion about the tumround of ships and/or the throughput capacity of harbors from previous studies, and it is rare to explore the issues from the perspective of load balancing among logistics service activity lines. Thereupon, the operation at container terminals can be defined a generalized computation, and then CTLS are just the container logistics parallel computing systems. The thinking on processor affinity and PID control were introduced into the concurrent control and cooperative scheduling subsequently which aimed that the micro control mechanisms were incorporated into the meso scheduling patterns for the complex logistics systems, and the corresponding decision algorithms based on load balancing were proposed. Finally, a case of large-scale container terminal was simulated according to the different pressure test modes, and the above algorithms were computed and evaluated in the light of the comprehensive analysis of task latency, traffic capacity and load balancing to judge the relative merits.
作者 李斌 杨家其
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2222-2229,共8页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2012M511695) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(11YJC630089) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2012J05108) 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目(JA12268S)
关键词 集装箱码头物流系统 并行计算 负载均衡 亲和性 PID控制 container terminal logistics systems parallel computing load balancing affinity PID control
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