
从农业现代化看我国农产品加工业 被引量:4

Perspective of Chinese Agro Products Processing Industry from Agricultural Modernization
摘要 本文在深刻分析1840年以来人类经济社会发展规律,以及工业化国家近百年来成功经验的基础上指出:现代农业的根本出路在于大力发展农产品加工业;其本质在于非农产业的发展,在于工业化、城市化的发展;其根本动力在于工业化、城市化过程中所产生的市场新需求。截至2000年底,我国人均GDP接近3000美元,农产品加工业开始进入快速发展期;2011年我国人均GDP超过5000美元,农产品加工业进入近似指数增长的井喷式高速发展时期,农产品加工业与传统农业产值之比达到1.7∶1,已经完全取代传统种养业的地位,成为国民经济基础性、战略性和支柱性产业之一。要深刻认识、准确把握和科学遵循事物发展的客观规律,将农产品加工业放在农业各项工作之首,在深化科技体制改革中,进一步在国家层面优化科技资源配置,体现农产品加工科技与其他公益类科技同等的"国民地位待遇",建立现代农业科研院所制度,将农产品加工类拟转企的科研机构回归社会公益定位。 Based on the penetrating analysis of economic and social development pattern in the world since 1840 as well as the successful experience of industrialized countries over the recent 100 years, this paper, pointed out the fundamental way out for modern agriculture lies in the development of agro-products processing industry, the essence of modern agriculture lies in the development of non-agricultural industry, as well as in the development of industrialization and urbanization, and the fundamental driving force of modern agriculture exists in the new market demand arising from the process of industrialization and urbanization. In 2000, China’s per capita GDP was close to US$3 000, agro-products processing industry come into a rapid development period, and by 2011, the per capita GDP exceeded US$5 000, agroproducts processing industry entered into a nearly exponential growth spurt model rapid development. The output value of agro-products processing industry to that of traditional agriculture reached 1.7∶1, which means the agro-products processing industry has completely replaced the traditional planting and breeding industry and become one of the basic, strategic and pillar industries in the national economy. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply understand, accurately grasp and scientifically follow the objective laws of things’ development, and give priority to agro-products processing industry among all the work related with agriculture. In deepening the scientific and technological system reform, need to further optimize the allocation of national scientific resources and grant the agr-oproducts processing science and technologies with the same national status as other non-profit science and technologies, establish modern agricultural scientific research institution system, and enable the social function of agro-products processing research institutions to be non-profit for public welfare instead of turning into enterprises.
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期6-10,共5页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
关键词 现代农业 农产品加工业 支柱产业 公益性属性 modern agriculture agro-products processing industry pillar industry social welfare
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  • 1中华人民共和国农业部.农产品加工业“十二五”发展规划.2011.
  • 2国家发展和改革委员会工业和信息化部.食品工业“十二五”发展规划.2011.
  • 3国务院.全国现代农业发展规划(2011-2015年).2012.
  • 4中华人民共和国统计局.中国统计年鉴.2001-2012.
  • 5中国食品工业协会.中国食品工业年鉴.2001-2012.











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