目的探讨不同部位接种b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗(haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine,Act-Hib)不良反应情况。方法将500例预防接种Act-Hib的2~8月龄婴幼儿随机分为实验组与对照组,每组各250例,分别于大腿前外侧肌和上臂三角肌进行疫苗接种。比较两组婴幼儿接种后局部及全身反应情况。结果实验组婴幼儿局部反应程度明显轻于对照组,两组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论婴幼儿预防接种Act-Hib,在大腿前外侧肌注射接种局部反应程度明显轻于在上臂三角肌注射。
Objective To investigate the adverse reactions of the haemophilus influenza Type B vaccine(Act-Hib).Methods 500 infants aged 2-8 months were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups in equal number:The infants in the former group received vaccination by injecting(Act-Hib)in anterolateral thigh and those in the control in the upper arm deltoid muscle.The adverse reactions in the two groups were observed and compared.Results The incidence of local response in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group(P 0.05).Conclusion The incidence of adverse reaction by injecting Act-Hib in the anterolateral thigh is lower than that in the upper arm deltoid muscles for the infants aged 2-8 months undergoing vaccination of Act-Hib.
Modern Clinical Nursing