目的 为解决新生儿脐带血 TSH水平与其它指标的分离现象 ,建立新生儿脐带血 TSH正常值范围。方法 选择 1999年全国碘缺乏病监测部分省份的监测结果 ,将盐碘合格率 >90 % ,儿童尿碘中位数 >10 0 μg/ L,并且未投服过碘油的地区认定为碘营养正常地区 ,采用百分位数法确定新生儿脐带血 TSH正常值范围。结果 全国碘营养正常地区新生儿脐带血 TSH正常值 (第 97%分位值 )为 11.6 9m U/ L,六大行政区间结果有差异 ,出生方式对新生儿脐带血 TSH有影响 ,新生儿性别对新生儿脐带血 TSH无影响。结论 建立新生儿脐带血
Objective To explore reference value ranges of neonatal cord blood TSH.Methods The 1999 China IDD surveillance results for some provinces were selected.The percentile method was used for determining the reference value ranges.Results The reference value of neonatal cord blood TSH for normal iodine nutrition districts in China is 11.69mU/L.The results of six administrative areas were different.Conclusions It is important to explore reference value ranges of neonatal cord blood TSH for IDD surveillance and screening of neonatal hypothyroidism.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology