目的探讨儿童分化型甲状腺乳头状癌的CT表现特点及诊断价值。方法回顾性分析29例经手术及病理证实的儿童分化型甲状腺乳头状癌的CT影像表现。结果 29例患儿,男10例,女19例,年龄7~14岁.平均11.8岁。CT表现为单发不规则低密度灶3例(10.3%),表现为多发大小不等、边缘模糊低密度灶19例(65.5%),表现为腺体对称或不对称性弥漫性增大、密度不均匀减低7例(24.1%)。病灶内出现细颗粒样钙化22例(75.9%),囊变7例(24.1%)。肿瘤侵犯气管2例(6.9%),食管3例(10.3%),局部血管7例(24.1%)28例(96.6%)伴颈部淋巴结转移,分布于Ⅱ区25例(86.2%),Ⅲ区26例(89.7%),Ⅳ区26例(89.7%).Ⅴ区11例(37.9%),Ⅵ区27例(93.1%),Ⅶ区12例(41.4%)。转移淋巴结内出现钙化15例(51.74%),囊变11例(37.9%)。9例(31.0%)出现肺转移。结论儿童甲状腺癌多累及整个腺体,侵袭性强,颈淋巴结转移及肺转移比例高。熟悉儿童甲状腺乳头状癌的CT特点及生物学行为,对手术方案的制定及预后评估有很大的帮助。
Objective To analyze the computed tomography (CT) features of differentiated papillary thyroid cancer in children. Method 29 children with papillary thyroid cancer proved by surgery and pathology, of which the CT mani- festations were analyzed. Result The study group consisted of 10 boys and 19 girls with a mean age of 11.8 years ( range 7 -14 years). 3 cases (10. 3% ) showed single irregular low density area, 19 case (65.5%) showed multiple irregular low density areas and 7 cases ( 24. 1% ) showed glands enlargement symmetric or asymmetric with uneven density de- creased. Fine granular calcifications could be detected in 22 (75.9%) and cystic formation could be seen in 7 (24. 1% ). The tumors invaded adjacent structure: 2 cases (6. 9% ) in trachea, 3 cases (10. 3% ) in esophagus, and 7 cases (24. 1% ) in carotid and jugular vein. Of 29 cases, 28 (96. 6% ) showed cervical lymph node metastasis. 9 (31.0% ) showed lung metastasis. Conclusion Primary tumor is related to the volume of the whole gland, neck lymph node involvement and lung metastasis are more commonly observed and the local invasion are common.
Oncology Progress