
计算机动画处理技术及方法 被引量:1

Computer Animated Techniques and Methods
摘要 计算机动画处理过程中,运动对象动作的流畅和存储的空间是一对矛盾体,为解决该矛盾,采用了将运动对象的局部部分从整体中分离出来,并按实际功能要求分别进行编程处理,文章中所讨论的技术和方法在直升机飞行实验中得到了应用,完成了对象的建模、显示以及在键盘或鼠标控制下进行相应的操作.实验首先利用3DMAX对一张直升机图片进行预处理,将直升机分成螺旋桨上的刀片、尾翼的刀片和机身三个部分,以图形块的形式分别存储到3DS文件中.然后利用Visual C结合开源图形API OpenGL(Application Programming Interface Open Graphics Library以下简称OpenGL)的平移、缩放和旋转等函数编程实现直升机起飞和降落、直升机桨叶(螺旋桨)的旋转和纹理等处理,利用OpenGL支持的双缓存技术实现动画的平滑运作.实验表明技术可行、方法得当,可以用在许多运行物体处理上,比如运行中的车,将车身和车轮拆分然后分别加以类似处理. In the computer animation processing process, campaign object action of smooth and store of space is pair contradictions body, for address the contradictions, used has will campaign object of local part from overall in the separation out, and by actual features requirements respectively for programming processing, articles in the by discussion of technology and method in helicopter flight experimental in the arc has application, completed has object of built die, and displayed and in keyboard or mouse control for corresponding of operation. Experiment first a helicopter using 3DMAX picture for pretreatment, the helicopter into the propeller blades and tail blades and fuselage on three pans, in the form of graphic blocks arc stored separately in the 3DS file. Then use Visual c together with open source graphics API OpenGL(Application Programming Interface Open Graphics Library short in writing as OpenGL below), such as pan, zoom, and rotate functions programming hclicopters taking off and landing, helicopter blades(propeller) rotate and texture, using OpcnGL support double buffering technique to achieve the smooth operation of the animation. Experiments have shown that technical feasibility, methods, processing can be run in many objects, such as running in the car, body and wheels split and separately to similar treatment.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2013年第9期203-205,共3页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 计算机动画 OPENGL 直升机 图形变换 纹理处理 computer animation OpenGL helicopter computer graphics transformationr grain processing
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