

摘要 近年来医药行业竞争日趋激烈,医药企业必须找出影响顾客价值观的因素来制定有效的竞争策略,使顾客产生较高的认知价值,提升顾客忠诚度,如此才能有竞争优势。本研究以华东地区10家国有医药企业的顾客群作为研究母体,总计发出900份问卷,回收问卷854份,去除无效问卷,得到有效问卷790份。研究结果发现:不同层级顾客群在顾客价值观、顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度上并无显著差异;顾客价值观对顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度均具有正向影响关系,其中顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度存在正向关系,由此可知顾客满意度具有完全的中介效果;在顾客价值观中以功能性价值、情绪性价值对顾客满意度影响相对较大,而在顾客价值观中则以社会性价值对顾客忠诚度影响相对较大。研究结论可为医药行业在顾客关系管理层面提供出理论与实务的参考。 As the competition in the pharmaceutical industry has become increasingly fierce in recent years, pharmaceutical companies must identify the factors that affect the customer values and develop effective competitive strategies as to promote customer perceived values, enhance customer loyalty and improve competitive advantages. In this study, 900 customers in 10 state - owned pharmaceutical companies in East China were investigated, 854 questionnaires were obtained and 790 questionnaires were available. The results showed that different levels of customer groups did not differ significantly on customer values, customer satisfaction and loyalty; customer values had a positive effect on the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, in which, customer satisfaction and loyalty had a positive relationship, and therefore, customer satisfaction was fully mediated; in customer values, functional value and emotional value had a relatively big impact on customer satisfaction, and in customer values, the social value had a relatively big impact on customer loyalty. The conclusion of this study could provide a theoretical and practical reference for the pharmaceutical industry in the customer relationship management.
作者 马家忠
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2013年第8期38-44,共7页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家社科基金项目"中医文化基因及其传承研究"(批准号:12BZX099) 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划基金项目"结合专业的人文素质教育体系研究"(批准号:D/2011/01/080)
关键词 顾客价值观 顾客满意度 顾客忠诚度 顾客关系管理 customer values customer satisfaction customer loyalty customer relationship management
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