
价值构建性、产品符号化及其对创新的影响研究 被引量:1

摘要 在媒体高度发达的当今社会,消费文化正经历着剧烈的变化。消费者独立性也逐渐丧失,越来越受到外在信息的影响。由于消费者知识的有限性、认知的局限性,产品价值的形成往往要经历一个被外部信息构建的过程,这就使得当今社会产品符号化的特征越来越明显。产品符号化的发展对产品创新产生了深刻的影响,对于产品创新的企业来说需要加深对产品符号化本质的认识,在产品创新过程中合理运用符号化操作方法提高产品创新的效率,增加对消费者的吸引力,只有这样,才能够合理促进消费的发展。 With the media highly developed, consumption culture is undergoing dramatic changes. Greatly influenced by external information, consumers gradually lose their independence. Due to the limitations of consumer knowledge and cognition, the formation of product value often undergoes a process of construction by external information, making product symbolization more and more manitest. As the development of product symbolization exerts a profound impact on product innovation, en- terprises should better understand the essence of product symbolization and improve product innovation efficiency by utilizing reasonable methods of symbolization. Through this way, the innovative product will be more attractive to consumers and the consumption will be enhanced in a reasonable way.
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2013年第8期68-71,共4页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家社科基金资助项目"影响我国消费率偏低的心理因素及对策研究"(批准号:11BJY118) 教育部人文社科资助项目"参考价格对创新产品消费者支付意愿分布离散性影响研究"(批准号:12YJC630013)
关键词 价值构建 产品符号化 产品创新 偏好构建 消费文化 value construction product symbolization product innovation preference construction consumption culture
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