There were three men in the Shen clan of Deqing, Shen Yuqiu, Shen Jie and Shen Xian, who were related with the party struggles from the early Song Dynasty to the end of the Song Dynasty. Shen Yuqiu, as a main dispatch official, objectively promoted the party struggle of the South Song Dy- nasty and ended up as an attacked person although he was unintentionally involved in the struggle. Shen Jie, as a peaceful messenger, to defend the state affairs after Qin Huai, he didn't report to the state the fact that Jin would attack the South Song Dynasty, and actually he was a sinner. The party struggle in the South Song Dynasty affected their literature in many ways, one of which was the appropriateness and situation of the literature language. Studying the party struggle in the South Song Dynasty and the Shen Clan of Deqing as well as the relationship of literature creation, we can learn that even from the same clan, the attitudes toward the party struggle may vary and their influences to literature creation may va- ry as well.
Journal of Huzhou University
party struggles in the South Song Dynasty
the Shen Clan of Deqing
Shen Jie