ASP(Active Server Pages)是近年来新兴的动态网页设计技术 ,在它提供的五个内建对象中 ,Session对象在 ASP编程技术中占有相当重的份量。它具有让连接者在多个网页之间保留和使用共同的信息和特点。本文通过网上购物系统的一个侧面 ,介绍 Session对象的应用。
ASP (Actie Server Pages) is a new technology to design dynamic Webpages in recent years. Among its five built in objects, session plays an important role in ASP programming. Its feature enables the connector to store and use the common information between Webpages. This paper introduces application of the session object in a sideview of Internet shopping systems.
Microcomputer Applications