Objective: To compare the effects of open vitrification method, closed vitrification method, and procedural slow - freezing method on recovery of early frozen human embryo in assisted reproductive technology. Methods : The data of 622 cases with frozen and recovery embryo were analyzed retrospectively, the embryos on the third day during in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF -ET) were frozen by open vitrification method, closed vitrification method, and procedural slow - freezing method; the embryo recovery rates, vac- uole occurrence rates, embryo complete rates, embryo implantation rates, clinical pregnancy rates, cycle cancellation rates, embryo loss rates, and abortion rates in the three groups were compared. Results: A total of 280 cycles and 627 embryos were resurrected in open vitrifi- cation group; the embryo recovery rate, embryo complete rate, embryo implantation rate, and clinical pregnancy rate were 97. 13%, 94. 89%, 28.90%, amt 52. 61%, respectively, compared with procedural slow- freezing group (165 cycles and 477 embryos; 73.79%, 70.02% , 16. 75% , and 35.44% ) , there were statistically significant differences ( P 〈 0. 05 ) , compared with closed vitrification group ( 177 cycles and 400 embryos), there was no statistically significant difference (P 〉 0. 05 ) ; there was no statistically significant difference in the vacuole occurrence rate, cycle cancellation rate, embryo loss rate, and abortion rate among the three groups ( P 〉 0. 05 ) . Conclusion : Both open vitrification method and closed vitrification method can achieve the same cryopreservation efficiency, and the effects were superior to procedural slow - freezing method ; closed straw vitrification method can preserve developmental potential of embryo after recovery in an e- ven better fashion, which is a relatively ideal method for eryopreservation of early human embryo.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
河南省医学新技术引进奖〔CryoBio System全封闭玻璃化冷冻技术2012-YX-007-D01/01〕
In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
Procedural freezing
Closed carrier