
Analysis and Identification of Corona Parameters on Overhead Power Lines in Case of Direct Lightning Strikes

Analysis and Identification of Corona Parameters on Overhead Power Lines in Case of Direct Lightning Strikes
摘要 This paper presents a method for determining specific models of overhead power lines with presence of corona phenomenon. The obtained models provide stable numerical solutions for computer simulation of transients caused by direct lightning strikes. The corona non- linear charge-voltage characteristics obtained from experimental tests are used for identification of the corona parameters based on System Identification Toolbox implemented in Matlab package. Different transfer functions, which give the same waveshapes of overvoltages are de- termined using two parametric models. A circuit representation of the obtained transfer functions is proposed and the corona model is implemented in the EMTP-RV as a hierarchical structure composed of a overhead power line divided into sections with corona branches. Some computer simulations of lightning overvoltages propagated in a typical 220 kV power line due to direct lightning strikes to a line tower are presented. The proposed method and the model implemented in EMTP-RV are still valid for multi-conductor lines and for higher voltages of power lines but new corona nonlinear charge-voltage characteristics are required as an input parameter for the identification procedure. This paper presents a method for determining specific models of overhead power lines with presence of corona phenomenon. The obtained models provide stable numerical solutions for computer simulation of k^nsients caused by direct lightning strikes. The corona non- linear charge-voltage characteristics obtained from experimental tests are used for identification of the corona parameters based on System Identification Toolbox implemented in Matlab package. Different transfer functions, which give the same waveshapes of overvoltages are de- termined using two parametric models. A circuit representation of the obtained transfer functions is proposed and the corona model is implemented in the EMTP-RV as a hierarchical structure composed of a overhead power line divided into sections with corona branches. Some computer simulations of lightning overvoltages propagated in a typical 220 kV power line due to direct lightning strikes to a line tower are presented. The proposed method and the model implemented in EMTP-RV are still valid for multi-conductor lines and for higher voltages of power lines but new corona nonlinear charge-voltage characteristics are required as an input parameter for the identification procedure.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期1988-1994,共7页 High Voltage Engineering
基金 Project supported by the National Science Center, Poland
关键词 架空电力线路 直接雷击 电晕 系统辨识工具箱 计算机模拟 非线性特性 参数模型 鉴定 transmission lines lightning overvoltages corona phenomenon mathematical models identification Frocedures computer si-mulations
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