
砷化镓光导开关中电流丝的自发辐射能量分析 被引量:3

Analysis on the Spontaneous Radiation Energy of Current Filament in GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch
摘要 研究了高增益砷化镓光导开关中电流丝的自发辐射能量。从砷化镓光导开关中电流丝的非平衡载流子复合出发,导出了电流丝的自发辐射能量公式,建立了电流丝自发辐射的理论模型。在电流丝达到稳定状态的条件下,计算了电流丝一端的辐射波长为875nm和四个峰值波长的自发辐射能量,其中峰值波长890nm的最大光输出能量与实验观察结果吻合,合理解释了电流丝的自发辐射现象,对应用这个模型计算其他辐射波长的光输出能量给予了支持,为进一步深入定量分析电流丝辐射的光致电离效应奠定了基础。 The spontaneous radiation energy of current filament in high gain GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) is researched. Based on the recombination of non-equilibrium carrier of current filament in GaAs PCSS, the formula of the spontaneous radiation energy of current filament is exactly derived. The theoretical model of the spontaneous radiation of the current filaments in GaAs PCSS is established. Under the condition that the current filament reaches a steady state, the spontaneous radiation energies from the 875 nm radiation and the radiation of four peak wavelengths at one end of current filament are calculated. The maximum optical output energy from the 890 nm radiation is consistent with experimental observations, explaining reasonably the spontaneous radiation phenomena of current filament and lending support for the model's predictions about the spontaneous radiation energies from the other wavelengths radiation. This lays the foundation for further quantificational analysis on photoionization effect of current filament.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期180-184,共5页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 四川省应用基础研究计划(2010JY0160) 成都工业学院校基金(KY1211002A)
关键词 光电子学 砷化镓光导开关 电流丝 自发辐射 optoelectronics GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch current filament spontaneous radiation
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