基于B/S与C/S体系结构集成的应用模式,是当今网络集成研究与应用开发的热点,也是该文所要探讨的目标.文中构造了一个Windows NT平台下的TCP/IP网络集成框架,讨论了基于IIS、DHCP、WINS、DNS和RAS集成服务功能的网络集成原理,提出了基于ISAPI接口实现的信息交换方法.并通过典型案例开发,验证了NT平台下TCP/IP网络集成功能的有效性.
: The application mode based on the integration of B/S and C/S architecture is the focus of the research of today's Network Integration and Development of Application.It is also the topic of this paper.In this paper,a TCP/IP Network Integration Frame on the NT platform is constructed,the Network Integration Principle based on such Integration Services as DHCP、WINS、DNS and RAS is discussed,and the way of Information Exchange through the Interface of ISAPI is put forward.At last this paper verifies the validity of the integration function of the TCP/IP Network on the NT platform by developing a typical case.
Computer Engineering and Applications