

Polar-forward MIMO Relay Communication Scheme
摘要 受Arikan提出的信道极化思想的启发,对信源-中继-信宿的MIMO中继通信的上行-极化和下行-极化系统提出一种极化-转发MIMO中继通信方案.采用极化-转发方式传输数据,MIMO信道通过极化编码对源节点数据进行编码,目的节点采用连续消除解码算法进行解码,中继节点仅需要简单的编码而不需要完成繁重的译码任务,比传统的解码、解码转发和放大转发等中继方案具有更高的传输可靠性,传输信息被嵌在递归特性的极化码中,具有较低的解码复杂度.仿真结果表明,提出的极化-转发MIMO中继方案具有较好的BER性能. Motivated by Arikan's channel polarization, A simple polar-and-forward (PF) MIMO relay scheme is proposed based on two polarizing systems, i. e. , the down-polarizing system and the up-polarizing system in a source-relay-destination MIMO relay communication system. In the proposed scheme, It is divided into two symmetrical polarizing relay systems, i.e., the down-polari- zing system and the up-polarizing system, which result in different capacities for the polar system. Modulator is implemented at source node, some simple operations, namely time reversion, complex conjugation and polarization, are implemented at relay nodes, and decoding is performed with successive cancellation algorithm at destination node. It provides an alternative solution for transmit- ting with higher reliability than the conventional decode and-forward/amplify-and-forward ( DF/AF } relay schemes, the transmitted information signals embedded in the polar code with a recursive feature can be decoded with a low-complexity decoder. Simulation re- sults show that the bit error rate (BER) performance is better in our proposed scheme.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2018-2024,共7页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60902044 61071096)资助
关键词 极化-转发 MIMO中继通信系统 解码器 polar-forward MIMO relay communication system decoder
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