研究目的:地震液化为地震时的一种岩土自然现象,目前相近行业相关的液化判别规定存在较大的差异,在实际工作中,常常遇到同一场地因修建不同工程,而执行不同行业规范,造成对液化判别上存在较大差异;本文以某工点8个钻孔,23个标贯点采用不同规范进行液化判别的结果为例,结合国内相关行业及美国、日本的相关规定,对铁路地震液化判别的规定进行探讨。研究结论:(1)液化判别深度:地面以下20 m以内(包括7度范围);(2)液化判别公式:可采用《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)的公式;(3)对地基液化进行分级:可采用《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)表4.3.5规定执行;(4)该研究成果可应用于铁路相关规范的修改,采用摩擦桩的桥梁工点可直接采用,这样,偏于安全。
Research purposes: As the earthquake liquefaction is as a natural phenomenon of the rock soil caused by earthquake, this should be of no relationship with engineering, but currently there is rather gaps between the the similar industries in stipulation on discrimination of the liquefaction. In actual works, the different industry standards are used for the different engineerings in the same site, resulting in the big gap in discrimination of the liquefaction. Taking the discrimination results of 8 drilling holes and 23 standard penetration points obtained by using the different industry specifications as examples, this paper discusses the stipulation on discrimination of railway earthquake liquefaction combined with the relevant industry standards and the specifications in United States and Japan. Research conclusions:( 1 ) The depth of liquefaction is 20 m below ground (including 7 degrees range). (2) The formula presented in the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB 50011--2010 ) can be used as the liquefaction formula. (3) The foundation liquefaction can be graded according to the Table 4.3.5 of the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB 50011--2010). (4)This research results are available for revision of the relative codes and can be directly used in the bridge construction site with friction pile to be on the safe side.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
liquefaction discrimination