
域外漢學與古史辨運動——兼與陳學然先生商榷 被引量:7

Sinology and Ku Shih Pien
摘要 民國時期古史辨運動與域外漢學存在一定程度的學術關聯。古史研究者早年多受過新式西洋史教育,或在歐美大學接受學術訓練,不同程度受過近代史學觀念的洗禮,與舊式學者文人不同,信仰"三皇五帝"者自然越來越少。國内古史研究是國際漢學界有關中國古史研究學術鏈條上的一環,歐洲、日本、中國學界之間存在一定程度的互動。中國學者已注意到理雅格、沙畹、夏德、馬伯樂、白鳥庫吉、内藤湖南諸氏的疑古論。夏德《中國古代史》對胡適、顧頡剛均有所影響,對古史辨運動的興起有推波助瀾之功。白鳥庫吉"堯舜禹抹殺論"在民國史壇頗有流傳,顧頡剛對其人其事亦有所知,然顧氏疑古論與白鳥之間並不存在學緣關係。有論者認爲顧氏疑古思想乃"剽竊"日人陳說,此一指控係牽强附會,並無實證。 Ku Shih Pien that happened in the Republic of China shared certain academic relations with sinology. As most researchers on ancient history had either obtained the new western education,or had obtained the academic trainings from the universities of European and American countries,being educated with concepts of modern history on different levels,they were quite different from the old-fashioned scholars,therefore few of them believed in the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns. As a significant part for the international sinology circle on ancient Chinese history, Chinese scholars had certain interactive activities with the academic circles in Europe and Japan.The scholars in China had paid attentions on the "Ancient Chinese History Skepticism"that proposed by J. Legge,E. Chavannes,F.Hirth, H. Maspero, Kurakichi Shiratori and Torajiro Naito. The Ancient History of China by Hirth had posed certain impacts on Hu Shi and Gu Jiegang and had played accumulative functions on the emergence of Ku Shih Pien. The "Obliteratism of Yao,Shun and Yu Emperors"had certain popularity in the Republic of China and got acknowledged by Gu Jiegang himself,but these two had no academic relations. Some scholars believed that the " Ancient History Skepticism"by Gu Jiegang had plagiarized the Japanese,this belief is criticized as with forced correlations and no evidence supports.
作者 李孝遷
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2013年第3期265-312,共48页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
基金 教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目(11YJC770025)階段性成果
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  • 1P.V.N.Myers.A General History For Colleges And High Schools[]..1893
  • 2H.G.Wells.The Outline of History[]..1920
  • 3F.Hirth.The Ancient History of China[]..1908
  • 4The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland . 1908
  • 5F.Hirth.The Ancient History of China[]..
  • 6F.Hirth.The Ancient History of China[]..
  • 7F.Hirth.The Ancient History of China[]..
  • 8Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science . 1909
  • 9ShKing.Introduction[].Sacred Books of the East.1879
  • 10F.Hirth.The Ancient History of China[]..









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