
新安医家诊法发明 被引量:4

Inventions of diagnostic methods by Xin'an famous doctors
摘要 新安医家精于"察色按脉",清代叶天士创立温病舌诊辨证,发明舌诊燥湿诊法,辨分受邪轻重、病位浅深、证候属性、预后转归并确定治法方药,还补充了验齿、辨斑疹、辨白(?)等法,独具匠心,发挥出了舌诊的真正作用,被后世奉为准绳;汪宏编著《望诊遵经》,系统归纳总结望诊内容,发明"相气十法",作为纲领而与"五色主病"合参,已成为现代《中医诊断学》的重要内容。新安医家尤重脉诊,视脉为医之关键,诊治上分析病机、判断证候、确定治法、遣方用药均以脉为据,形成了"温补重脉诊"、"辨顺逆、辨证情总切于脉"、"推崇张仲景平脉辨证"、"脉证无有不应"及"不失古法"等独特的学术经验。新安医家在望诊、脉诊运用上的一系列创用和发明,为中医诊断学注入了源头活水和新的生机活力。 Xin'an famous doctors were proficient in observing complexion and feeling pulse. YE Tian-shi of Ming dynasty initiated febrile disease syndrome differentiation based on tongue observation, and invented a new diagnostic method:observing dryness and dampness of the tongue, which had been applied to distinguishing the seriousness of pathogenic factors, location of diseases, characteristic of symptoms and prognosis of diseases to determine the treatment method and prescription. Moreover, he supplemented some diagnostic methods such as inspecting teeth, macula, papule, and milliaria aiba, which were of unique ingenuity and developed the true function of tongue observation, and had been therefore regarded as criteria in later ages.WANG Hong compiled the book Doctrine of Observation, in which he systematically summarized the contents of observation, and invented ten methods of observing qi, which together with indication of disease by five colors, had become the main content of modem textbook, Traditional Chinese Diagnostics. Xin'an famous doctors put special emphasis on pulse feeling, and regarded it as key of medical science. In diagnostic inspection, they considered pulse as the basis of analyzing pathogenesis, judging syndrome, determining treatment, and prescribing medicine. Therefore, the unique academic experience of warming and reinforcing according to pulse, differentiating syndrome and seriousness based on pulse, respecting ZHANG Zhong-jing's theory of syndrome differentiation according to symptom and pulse, pulse as crucial inspection, no loss of the ancient law had come into being. The series inventions of observation and pulse feeling by Xin'an famous doctors have injected springhead and new vitality into traditional Chinese diagnostics.
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2654-2660,共7页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 望诊 相气十法 舌诊 燥湿诊法 脉诊 平脉辨证 据脉用药 中医诊断学 Observation Ten methods of observing qi Observation of tongue Diagnostics based on observing dryness and dampness of the tongue Pulse feeling Syndrome differentation according to symptom and pulse Prescription according to pulse Traditional Chinese diagnostics
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