

Carbon Reduction,Consumption and Social Welfare
摘要 将测度社会福利的效用函数分为包含碳减排量和不包含碳减排量两种类型,对两种情形下社会福利影响因素及因果关系进行定性分析后,针对两种情形分别构建了碳减排模式下的社会福利最优控制模型。利用最优控制理论,对模型进行推导和求解,结论是两种情形下均衡解均为鞍点解,仅在特定路径上具有稳定性,并在均衡处对碳减排量的资本存量、消费和社会福利等的影响进行比较静态分析。分析结果显示两种情形下资本存量和消费对碳减排量的边际值相同,一个为零,另一个取决于碳交易价格和碳边际成本,但碳减排量进入效用函数使社会福利对其的边际值相对于未进入效用函数的情形有所增加,这表明碳减排对资本存量中性,碳交易价格、碳减排边际成本对碳减排具有重要作用,碳减排量进入效用函数对控制碳排放量具有正向影响。最后,根据模型分析结果结合现实情况提出降低碳排放的政策建议。 The paper classifies utility function indicating social welfare as two types.One includes carbon reduction,the ot-her does not include it.After analyzing social welfare factors and their causalities qualitatively,it creates optimal control model for each type,solves the model by optimal control theory.The result shows that the equilibrium solution is saddle point solution under each case,which can be stable only at some special paths.Then it conducts a comparative static analysis for the effect of carbon reduction on capital stock,consumption and social welfare at the equilibrium point.It finds that the marginal values of capital stock and consumption for carbon reduction are identical under each case.One is zero,the other is decided by price and marginal cost of carbon.But for utility function with carbon reduction,the marginal value of social welfare for carbon reduction is larger than that of utility function without carbon reduction.All these show that carbon reduction is neural to capital stock,price and marginal cost have strong effect on carbon reduction,and integrating carbon reduction into utility function has positive influence on carbon reduction.At the end,the paper put forwards some suggestions to reduce carbon emission according to the analysis results.
作者 田志勇
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第9期92-97,共6页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 北京市自然科学基金项目(9133018)
关键词 碳减排 哈密尔顿系统 低碳经济 社会福利 Carbon reduction Hamilton system Low carbon economy The social welfare
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