通过改进上流式厌氧污泥床反应器处理淀粉生产有机废水,采用先间歇后连续的模式研究反应器启动影响因素及颗粒污泥形成过程。结果表明,在间歇模式下启动厌氧系统表现出良好的稳定性和较强抗冲击负荷能力,COD去除率在78%以上,平均VFA量是590 mg/L;而连续进水,COD去除率在82%以上,出水中SS质量浓度平均为266 mg/L,说明填料层的截留效果佳,由间歇向连续流过渡稳定,没有发生酸败;在第35天可以观察到有颗粒污泥的形成。
Improved UASB (up-flow anaerobic sludge bed reactor) was used to treat starch wastewater. Influencing factors during reactor initiating and formation of granular sludge was conformed by using of the first batch after continuous mode. Dttring the batch mode results showed that the removal rate of COD was more than 78%, the average of VFA concentration was 590 mg/L, the anaerobic system displayed better stability and capable of resistance shocking. The continuous mode results showed that the removal rate of COD was more than 82%, the average SS of effluent was 266 mg/L, which showed packing had good retaining effect. The reactor did not appear rancidity during the batch transformed the continuous. In the 35th day the formation of granular sludge was observed.
Technology of Water Treatment