
中小城市的光污染及防治对策 被引量:2

Light Pollution and Prevention and Control Countermeasures in Medium and Small-sized Cities
摘要 我国经济处于高速增长期,建设日新月异,中小城市的光污染问题日趋明显,防治显得十分重要。文章以中山市城区为例,对道路照明、建筑照明、广告照明、绿化照明,以及玻璃幕墙反射等光污染情况进行了调研和评价。根据中山市城区的光污染情况,从制定和完善光污染防治法规体系、加强规划和宏观管理、提高公众参与力度和监督力度、加大人才培养和政策扶持力度、加大清洁生产推广力度以及实施照明设计单位资质认证等多方面提出了对光污染的防治对策。 China Economy gets along with the high speed and growing period, changing with each passing day, light pollution in medium and small-sized cities is obviously serious, the prevention and control are of importance. By taking the city zone of Zhongshan city as an example, the article carries through investigation and assessment on light pollutions, such as road lighting, construction lighting, advertisement lighting, green lighting and reflection of glass screen walls. In accordance with the light pollution in the city zone of Zhongshan city and from the fields of laws and regulations system in framing and perfecting prevention of light pollution, in strengthening planning and macro management, in raising public participation and supervision, in increasing personal training and policy support, in increasing cleaner production and popularization and in implementing intelligence authentication in light design units, the article puts forward prevention and control countermeasures of light pollution.
作者 吴艺
出处 《中国环保产业》 2013年第8期36-40,共5页 China Environmental Protection Industry
关键词 中小城市 光污染 防治 对策 广东中山市 medium and small-sized cities light pollution prevention and control countermeasure Zhongshan city of Guangdong
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