
中国西部大开发中新疆的地位:一个中亚视角 被引量:6

A Central Asian Perspective: Xinjiang's Position in Western China Development
摘要 西部大开发是中国政府进入21世纪以来针对国内地区发展不平衡所采取的重大战略举措,但随着东北振兴、中部崛起战略的渐次实施,地区间战略博弈不可避免,这无疑会减弱西部大开发战略的政策效用。新疆是西部大开发战略的"重中之重",同时也是向西开放的前沿,在东部受到挤压的国际环境下,西进将成为新的国家战略重点,新疆的开发不但要关注与国内地区间的平衡,更要把握好与中亚国家间的平衡。特别是面对中亚国家较快的经济增长速度,为避免新疆掉入V型陷阱,应加大新疆沿边开发开放的力度,形成面向中亚地区的经济高地。 Western China Development has been an important strategy because of unbalanced regional economy development in Chi- na since the 21 century. However, the regional strategic games are inevitable with revitalization of Northeastern China and the rising of central China and will no doubt to diminish the effect of Western China Development. As the key point of Western China Devel- opment and the front edge of westward opening strategy, the development of Xinjiang should coneern not only the balance between Xinjiang and other domestic area, but also the balance between Xinjiang and the Central Asian eountries. To avoid falling into the V - shaped trap, especially in face of relative rapid eeonomie growth, it should be to reinforce to open up the border area in Xin- jiang, and to make Xinjiang become eeonomie highland in Central Asia.
作者 张文中
出处 《新疆财经》 2013年第4期61-66,共6页 Finance & Economics of Xinjiang
关键词 西部大开发 向西开放 V型陷阱 经济高地 :Western China Development, Westward Opening, V- shaped Trap, Economic Highland
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