
喷嘴孔径对喷雾降温性能的影响 被引量:4

Effect of nozzle orifice diameter on performance of spray cooling
摘要 针对发动机排出高温烟气的喷雾降温问题,研究了不同工况下、不同孔径喷嘴喷雾的降温性能,分析了雾滴尺寸和喷雾量对降温性能的影响。结果表明:喷嘴孔径越大,喷雾量越大,烟气降温幅度越大,但喷雾量过大时水雾对烟气测温的准确性产生较大影响;雾滴尺寸越小,蒸发时间越短,在有限蒸发时间与运动距离内雾滴和烟气的热交换越充分,但降温幅度有限;喷嘴孔径越小,喷雾停止后排气系统恢复原状态所需时间越短。 In order to solve the problem of spray cooling for high temperature gas released from the engine, this paper analyzes the cooling performance of nozzle with different orifice diameters under different working conditions and the effect of the size of droplets and amount of spraying on cooling capability. The results indicate that the bigger the nozzle orifice diameter is, the larger the spraying is and the greater a drop in temperature is, but excessive spraying flux seriously affects the accuracy of measuring gas temperature. The smaller the droplets are and the shorter time the droplets spend in evaporating,the better the heat transfers in a finite time and range of motion, but there is a limit to lowering the temperature of exhaust gas. The time for the exhaust system to be restored to its original state increases with the nozzle orifice diameter.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第4期56-60,共5页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
基金 国家部委基金资助项目(101050202)
关键词 发动机 喷嘴 孔径 喷雾冷却 排气系统 engine nozzle orifice diameter spray cooling exhaust system
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