项目以推广高产优质玉米杂交种黔原三号为主体 ,配套实施各种高产栽培实用技术 ,加强技术培训和指导 ,大办示范样板 ,实施政技物结合。两年内在遵义、贵阳等地项目区内 ,示范推广 4 .16 6万 hm2 ,平均每 6 6 7m2产量达 388.31kg,比当地前三年玉米平均每 6 6 7m2产量增产53.4 1kg,增产率达 15.95%。在项目区外带动推广 2 .591万 hm2 ,平均每 6 6 7m2增产 51.6 8kg。项目总计推广 6 .757万 hm2 ,增产 5355.16 88万 kg,新增总产值 6 0 2 4 .
Qianyun 3, a hybrid maize with high yield and good quality was demonstrated and popularized in Zhunyi and Guiyang in 1997 and 1998 accompanied with high yield cultivation techniques by means of taking comprehensive measures including policy, technique and materials. The popularization area reached 41660ha with an average output as 388.31 kg/667m 2, increased by 53.4kg/667m 2 than the local cultivars. Besides this, these were 25910ha of Qianyun 3 popularized in other counties and its average output reached 51.68kg/667m 2 . So the total area of Qianyun 3 popularized reached 67570ha and the total output was 53552 ton and then the total output value increased by 6.0245 million yuan.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
全国农牧渔业丰收计划项目! (980 2 1 9)