试验以俄罗斯某一水软铝石、三水铝石和一水硬铝石三种铝石混合型低品位铝土矿为研究对象,其关键技术是有效脱除非目的矿物如高岭石、绿泥石和伊利石。研究以矿石性质入手,结合以前的经验,以中国铝业郑州研究院开发的BKS-1为捕收剂,采用正浮选脱硅工艺技术提高矿石的铝硅比。通过多因素条件试验优化了适宜的工艺条件,当综合磨矿细度为90%,pH为9.5,六偏磷酸钠用量100 g/t,BKS-1捕收剂用量为800 g/t时,获得精矿铝硅比7.31,氧化铝回收率68.61%的工艺指标。
The Russian bauxite belongs to a mixed type low-grade bauxite with boehmite, gibbsite and diaspore whose gangue mineral is kaolinite illite and chclorite. According to the mineral properties and the original production experi- ence, the direct flotation experiments are conducted using BKS - 1 collectors of Zhengzhou research institute of Chal- co to increase the A/S (the ratio of aluminum to silicon). Through the conditional experiments of multi-factors such as grinding fineness, collector and regulator dosage, the factors influencing the improvement of the silicon-aluminum ratio conditions are investigated. The experiment results show that the concentrate is A/ST. 31 and the recovery of A1203 is 68.61% when the grinding fineness of -200 mesh is 90%, at the 9.5 pH value, sodium hexametaphate dosage of 100 g/t and collector dosage of 800 g/t.
Hunan Nonferrous Metals