目的 2009年新疆维吾尔自治区(新疆)建立了覆盖全疆地州(市)的流行性感冒(流感)监测网络体系,探索此监测体系下2009-2012年度流感流行特征,为今后流感大流行及流感防控策略提供依据。方法对新疆2009-2012年流感监测年度内报告的流感样病例数占门急诊就诊病例总数百分比(ILI%)、病原检测阳性率及全疆报告的流感样病例暴发疫情分布进行描述性分析。结果周流感样病例占门急诊就诊病例百分比中位数为2.58%,夏秋季节中位数为2.35%,冬春季节中位数为2.81%;哨点医院流感样病例检测阳性率中位数为5.85%,夏秋季中位数为0.51%,冬春季节中位数为13.60%;流感样病例暴发疫情主要发生在冬春季节时的中小学校。结论新疆流感流行具有明显的冬春季节流行性特征,今后应进一步加强冬春季节学校流感预防控制工作,继续做好全疆流感监测工作,为流感防控提供参考依据。
Objective The influenza surveillance network system covering every regions has been in established Xinjiang since 2009 ,by using the data collected through the system, the epidemiological characteristics of influenza in Xinjiang from 2009 to 2012 was analyzed. Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on the proportion of illness like influenza (ILI) cases, the positive rate of pathogen detection, and distribution of influenza outbreaks in Xinjiang during this period. Results The overall median of weekly reported ILI proportion was 2. 58% ,the median of ILI proportion was 2. 35% in summer and autumn and 2. 81% in winter and spring. The overall median of influenza virus nucleic acid positive rate was 5.85%, the median of influenza virus nucleic acid positive rate was 0. 51% in summer and autumn and 13.60% in winter and spring. The outbreaks mainly occurred in schools during winter and spring. Conclusion The seasonality of influenza epidemic was obvious in Xinjiang. It is necessary to further strengthen influenza surveillance to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of influenza, and the influenza prevention and control in schools during winter and spring should be strengthened too.
Disease Surveillance
epidemiological surveillance