目的了解青岛市经济技术开发区红石崖街道办事处居民关于肿瘤的相关知识、行为、态度,为该区肿瘤防治工作提供参考。方法采用整群抽样方法,抽取红石崖社区及雷家店子村常住居民867户1 936人作为调查对象,采用问卷调查方式,由统一培训的调查员进行入户调查。结果回收有效问卷共1 793份,其中20.8%居民认为早期肿瘤可根治,93.0%的人认为肿瘤非常可怕,且72.6%的人对肿瘤的治疗没有信心。84.3%、71.1%被调查者认为吸烟、酗酒可增加患癌风险;超过50%的被调查者认为高风险食物的摄入及职业暴露可增加患癌风险;13.9%被调查者认为不良精神状态可增加患癌风险。被调查者中26.6%有吸烟行为,17.2%有酗酒行为。高风险食物的摄入中,高脂饮食比例最高,为14.6%;其次为盐摄入过量和经常食用烟熏烧烤食品,分别为11.1%和10.0%。恶性肿瘤家族史阳性者占9.1%。有20.0%的被调查者感到精神紧张,有9.6%吸烟者坚决戒烟,12.9%酗酒者坚决戒酒。居民对于肿瘤的预防保健态度积极,544例明确非乙型肝炎受调查者中,愿意接受乙型肝炎疫苗接种者占44.0%;66.8%被调查者愿意接受每年一次的体检。结论应进一步加强农村地区恶性肿瘤防治知识宣传及普及。
Objective To understand the residents' knowledge, behaviour and attitude towards tumor in Hongshiya neighborhood of Qingdao economic and technological development zone and provide a reference for its treatment and prevention in that area. Methods By using cluster sampling method, 1 936 permanent residents (867 households) were surveyed door to door by unified trained personnel. Results Of the questionaires used, 1 793 were valid. Of which, 20.8%% thought early-stage tumor could be cured, 93.0% considered tumor was terrible, of whom, 72.0% showed no confidence in the tumor therapy. Of the resi- dents surveyed, 84.3 % thought smoking, 71.1 % thought excessive drinking, more than half of them considered high-risk food in- take and occupational exposure, and 13.9% thought unhealthy mental status contributed to cancer. Of the residents investigated, smokers and heavy drinkers accounted for 26.6%, and 17.2%, respectively. Among high-risk food intake, the percentage of high fat diet ranked first, accounting for being 14..6 % followed by salt intake and smoked and roasted food, accounting for 11.1% and 10.0 %, respectively. The residents who had a positive family history of malignant tumors accounted for 9.1%. The residents who were investigated felt mental stress, 9.6% would stop smoking, and 12.9% would stop drinking. Residents' attitude towards tumor prevention health service was active, in 544 individuals confirmed with non-hepatitis-B infected, 44.0% of them were willing to get hepatitis B vaccination, 66.8% wished to have once-a-year medical examination. Conclusion Knowledge on prevention and treatment of malignancies in rural areas should be further promoted.
Medical Journal of Qilu
health knowledge, attitudes, practice